Run for the Hills If:

1. Client named “Christian” signs off with: Christian (very!).
2. You’ve taken client out 3 or more times and each time he/she asks you to have lunch  between or after appointments.
3. Client (unsolicited) buys you clothing at Loehmann’s, gives them to you along with the receipts, then asks to be reimbursed.
4. Before you go out for the first time client tells you they’ve seen at least 55 rentals already.
5. Client tells you you’re their best friend and means it after two outings.
6. You go into contract with the same clients on three different condos in two months and they bail on the eve of  contract signing for each.
7. Client is male, less then 5’5″ tall, and works in finance.
8. Client tells you they have some mental health issues which is why they don’t have a job and are using a guarantor.
9. Client must consult (Staten Island) psychic before she will purchase any apartment on the Upper West side.
10. Client tells you they have no budget and needs a place ASAP. - What they’re really saying is “I have all the time in the world, bad credit, and no money”.

Category: Advice

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